Why we love old movie locations — especially the Iverson Movie Ranch

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Notch Rock, a prominent member of the Easter Island Committee ("Thunder River Feud," 1942)

"Thunder River Feud" (1942)

Sometimes there's not much to sink your teeth into, but you might have a vague feeling you "know" that rock from somewhere. That was the sense I had when I returned to this shot from Monogram's Range Busters B-Western "Thunder River Feud" after visiting the Upper Iverson Ranch. Sure enough, I had a photo from that Iverson visit that almost exactly duplicated the angle.

The same rock, as it appears today: Notch Rock

The rock is Notch Rock, or simply the Notch, part of a group of rocks that I call the Easter Island Committee, or more commonly, Easter Island. These frequently filmed rocks, also known as the Totem Pole Rocks or the Totem Rocks, are located on the South Rim of the Upper Iverson, which was a hub of activity in the filming days.

Here's a photo of the full committee. You can use the links in this sentence to see shots of Notch Rock in a Tarzan movie, the TV show "Adventures of Superman" and the 1986 movie "The Tomb."

Finally, below is a tab where you should be able to find a reasonably priced DVD of the Iverson masterpiece "Thunder River Feud" on Amazon.com.

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